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Stress your webserver

If you wonder how many requests you need to collapse your webserver – siege is a wonderful tool finding that out. Install: # yaourt -Sy siege Running siege from the console outputs:

Installing nagios on archlinux

Nagios is one of the most used softwares for monitoring servers. Hint: Icinga itself is a fork of nagios. Many of the used steps to install nagios are also needed for a icinga installation, but I focus on installing nagios. What have to be done before: 1. Installation of yaourt 2. Installation of apache2 (httpd) […]

Quicktip: How to install yaourt on archlinux

1. become root 2. edit file 3. run pacman 4. install yaourt 5. done # sudo -s # cp /etc/pacman.conf /etc/pacman.conf.bak # echo "[archlinuxfr] >> /etc/pacman.conf # echo "Server =" >> /etc/pacman.conf # pacman -Syy # pacman -Sy yaourt # exit # yaourt -Version yaourt 1.3 homepage: #

Snippet: Visualize your vnstat output with a PHP frontend

You want some fance graphics instead of boring numbers for your vnstat-statistics? No problem. Bjorge Dijkstra developed some time ago a small php script. You need a running apache (httpd) or another webserver with php-abilities. Get the tar-archive from Bjorges website, extract it and see what happened. # su – # cd /sev/http # wget […]

How to monitor your bandwith on a single client with vnstat

Sometimes you wonder how much traffic you just used to stream a music video or just checking out some repositories. In some cases it is good to know how much you just used (i.e. some contracts with limited bandwidth promisises – like mobilephones). vnstat is a little piece of software which periodically captures your foodprints […]

Howto check old (floppy) disks for physical damages (bad sectors)

Using badblocks Run “badblocks” as root # badblocks gives you the following output: Aufruf: badblocks [-b Blockgröße] [-i Eingabedatei] [-o Ausgabedatei] [-svwnf] [-c Blöcke_auf_einmal] [-d Verzögerungsfaktor_zwischen_Lesedurchgängen] [-e maximale_Bad_Blocks] [-p Anzahl_Durchgänge] [-t Testmuster [-t Testmuster […]]] Gerät [letzter_Block [Startblock]] To scan an old disk for errors/badblocks type: # badblocks -v /path/to/drive “-v” for verbose output. Entering […]

chrome/chromium won’t load some domains

Sometimes chrome/chromium refuses to load some pages (in my case ironically (not .com) and You’ll get a timeout. What is the problem? Since the affected domains do load in different browsers, I held some kind of DNS-cache responsible. A little research confirmed my suspicion. Typing  into the chromium adress bar chrome://net-internals/#dns and hitting […]

[snippet] HowTo – activate trim on a dm-crypt encrypted lvm

Just a short snippet on how to activate the TRIM-capability of your SSD (archlinux). Warning: this can compromise your systems security (more) # nano /etc/default/grub Edit line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cryptdevice=/dev/sda4:archlinux-lvm" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="cryptdevice=/dev/sda4:archlinux-lvm:allow-discards root_trim=yes ADDITIONAL KERNEL PARAMETER LIST" After that you need to recreate your grub.cfg: # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg Reboot your system. Try running (as root) fstrim […]

Ubucon 2011 in Leipzig – ein Rückblick

Das erste Mal ist immer etwas besonderes. Ubucon – Das Ubuntu-Communitiytreffen. Dorthin, genauer in die Räume der Universität Leipzig, zog es mich am Wochenende der 41. Kalenderwoche im Jahre 2011. Das Programm war umfangreich. So wurden die einzelnen Beiträge nach ihrer Art unterteilt. Es gab Tutorials, Diskussionen und Vorträge. Besonders hat mich die Vorstellung des […]

Howto repair a non-booting linux-system

A list of commands on how to get into an non-booting linux-system 1. Use a current linux-live-CD/USB thumbdrive 2. boot the repair-disc, change into console. 3. Identify with blkid which (encrypted) disk you want to open (luks-cryptsetup Open /dev/BLA). 4. Scan with for an LVM volume and activate it with vgchange -ay. 5. chroot into […]